Greenland Melts

A storytelling partnership between NASA and WSL (Swiss Land Agency)

In 2016 Dot Dot Dash created two films and a series of photography about the long-running research being done by Dr. Konrad Steffen on the Greenlandic Ice Sheet. Steffen, who features prominently in Al Gore's 'Inconvenient' films, is an expert on the subject of global warming and Arctic melt and funded by NASA and WSL (Swiss Land Agency).

The Challenge

In the current conversation about climate change, we don't often see the work of climate scientists; it remains hidden away only to be published in journals or to be cited in statistics. In this project we sought to put a face on the science and more than that, to show the very real story of climate change from the perspective of someone who was witnessing it very directly.

The Insight

Spending a week on theGreenlandic ice sheet with Dr. Steffen and his team was enlightening. We came to more deeply understand the role of scientist as ‘translator of data’ and because of what we witnessed, became even more committed to giving voice to this narrative and leveraging it to encourage individual action.

The Solution

The outcome is the film you'll see below which has aired on BBC News, Swiss National Television, inside various European houses of Parliament, numerous academic institutions and was shown in a private audience with the Swiss President. It has also earned significant accolades from the advertising community.

The Work Delivered



Wild and Scenic Film Festival
Official Selection
Greenland Melts
Applied Arts, Photography and Illustration Awards
Award of Excellence: Motion
Greenland Melts
Atlanta Docufest
Official Selection
Greenland Melts
Outside Magazine, BBC News, SGR SSR (Switzerland)
Featured Film
Greenland Melts
Photo District Annual
Photography Awards Winner, Motion
Greenland Melts
Communication Arts, Photography Annual
Award of Excellence
Greenland Melts